
Sunday, March 8, 2009


Life trials and ups and downs are normal and must be experienced by men in one time or the other. The difference is that some experience hard times and trying times earlier in their life time while others may experience it later on in life, but it must surely come. The irony of life is that it is only the text fire that can make fine steel. There are no short cuts to success except hard work.
Trials of life can be seen during hard times and unhappy experiences. It can manifest in such ways as marital problems, child birth issues (in ability to bear children), unemployment, business down turn, failures in academics, financial hardship etc. The truth is that these things must be experienced by all men in one stage in life or the other. The ability to handle any of these hardships is what determines how well one can come out of it. Life is not a bed of roses therefore there must be challenges to be faced in each phase of life.
As a child or a boy, you have your academics to face, you have to read, practice and take your examinations to be successful and come out in flying colours.
People are created with different destinies. That examination that was taken once and made by one may take another many years of hard work to get done. Because one took an exam once and passes it does not mean that he will be more successful in life than one who took the same exam many times before he could pass it. That you got an admission into the University before your mates does not guarantee that you will graduate before them or better still come out with a better result than them. I don’t know if am making a point here? Some can graduate from school and get employed immediately while others will graduate and after five years of graduation, they are still looking for job. That is the truth about life.
When you grow up to become a man the real challenges of life start manifesting. You have to get married, you have to bear children, and you have to take care of your old parents, your wife, your children as well as other extended relations. Yes this is your responsibility as a man. In most cases these responsibilities are either not achieved immediately or delayed indefinitely by the trials of life.
Every one has a hand in deciding how he wants his life to be run. There is this popular saying which states that “there is no way you can remove sand from a child’s eye without him putting his own hand”. If you want to succeed in life, you must work hard; you must put in extra ordinary pressure.
Life problems and trials must come in one stage or the other, but we will be able to handle and get over it if we have the will power. Most men have died during these trial periods because they lack the right attitude towards handling such periods or they are not well informed of the truth of life. Many marriages also have scattered during trial periods too.
Some trial periods come during old age. You see successful men who were very successful in their marriages, careers, and life generally having trial time at old age when they think they have successfully lived their lives. This trial time may come from the attitudes of their children.
One thing we have to know is that God promises us of peace, but not smooth sailing or total immunity from life’s struggles.
Trials of life can be man made or designed by God almighty. Summarily trials of life can come as a result of the following;
• Caused by the individual: One can go through trials of life as a result of his ignorance or way of life. The truth is that if you don’t work hard you will not make it and you are bound to go through hard times. If you are a sinner, you are bound to experience hardship. It may be going well with you at the moment, but the truth is that the evil that men do live with them and after them too.
• Caused by others: Some people are naturally wicked and they don’t feel happy when others are happy. In this case, they do everything humanly possible to drag you down to their level. Many bear false witness against their friends just to pull them down to their level. At this time such people experience their own trial times.
• Sins of our ancestors; the bible says that the fathers ate sour grape and the children teeth set on edge. Most trails people are going through today are as a result of sins of their fathers or ancestors.
• Evil associations: evil associations corrupt good manners. Some men delve into what they could not have done as a result of evil associations and they pay for it by experiencing hard times and trial times in future.
• Immoralities; A lot of trials of life are as a result of immoral life styles engaged by men when they were young, adults or even at old age. Bible clearly states that the wages of sin is death. These trial times if not well managed and resolved leads to untimely death.
• God may use it to test the faith of believers: Job in the bible was a very good Christian, yet he went through hard and trial times. He lost all he had and struggled for in life. Trials of life increases or decreases our faith in God. Most people are great men today because they did not fail under pressure.

Summary: Trials of life is normal. It may come as a result of our own making, the making of others or divinely ordained by God to test our faith in Him. If our faith is not tested, we would not be motivated to find solutions to our problems. What ever the cause of the trials you are going through today, believe in God, have faith in Him and he must surely see you through and out of it. Yes it is easy to worship and praise God when all is well with you, or when things are moving fine for you. When you are alive, healthy, happily married, have male and female children, have good job, pay your bills with ease etc. But when light suddenly goes off and we don’t enjoy the goodness of life again, that is the right time to test our faith and who we actually trust in.
Dear brother no matter what you are going through today, believe, have faith in God, though it may tarry, but surely you will get through and over it and your joy will surely return. It is just for a while. You are just passing through what is called a trail period in your lifetime, it is normal my dear. Once again remember, that thing you are going through today has been faced by some one, somewhere in the past, and he went through and over it and came out successful. You will get over it with God. Remain blessed.

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